United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, - Tuesday, March 29th 2011 [ME NewsWire]
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), represented by Spectrum International Affairs, is organizing the Middle East Spectrum at the Place Hotel, Old Town Dubai from 29-30 March 2011. ITU secretary General, Dr. Hamadoun Toure will attend the opening ceremony of the two-day conference in addition to international spectrum management experts, government officials, representatives from the regulators, telecom operators and private entities from the UAE and other regional countries.
The conference will discuss new approaches on spectrum enforcement; it will also shed more light on challenges of GSM reframingandfinding the spectrum for 4G networks. The conferences will analyze other topics such as reaping the digital divided and the status of the public sector spectrum in the 21st century.
“The Middle East Spectrum Conference is an important event which focuses on the upcoming trends and challenges in spectrum management while discussing innovative methods and solutions for the efficient utilization of spectrum. TRA is organizing the event in the United Arab Emirates for the first time in cooperation with Policy Tracker. We are expecting a high number of participants from GCC and other Arab countries will be attending the conference”, said Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim, TRA Director General.
“The topics of the conference have been designed to converse on the most pertinent challenges facing the industry at the current time especially the radio frequency spectrum management. We anticipate that the discussions will yield prolific and creative results”, added Al Ghanim.
The agenda of the conference has outstanding panel discussions and keynotes. Several training programs carried out by renowned spectrum management experts will be provided during the sidelines of the conference on spectrum policy aspects, spectrum management legal issues, pricing and auctioning.
Radio frequency, a natural and finite resource, is considered to be vital for the national security, public safety, research and individuals making use of spectrum. Its usage is extended across all wireless communications services such as broadcasting, mobile radio, microwave, satellite and public safety services.
About TRA
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been established according to the UAE Federal Law by Decree No. 3 of 2003 – Telecom Law. TRA is responsible for the management of every aspect of the telecommunications and information technology industries in the UAE. Despite its relatively short life-span, TRA has exceeded expectations by achieving its projected goals in record time.
TRA derives the objectives of the Code of the telecommunications sector and its senior executive and policy for the telecommunications sector. These goals ensure secure communications services throughout the State, and delivery of improved services, including the quality and diversity, and ensure the quality of services in conformity with the terms of the license by the licensor, and the promotion of telecommunications services and information technology in the state, and the promotion of the telecommunications sector and development of the country through training and development and the establishment of training institutions relevant to the sector, as well as to find solutions to disputes that may arise between the licensed operators, and establish and implement a framework for policies and regulations, and the promotion of modern technology, and contribute to the development of human resources in the state, and to promote research and development, including guarantees of the United Arab Emirates a regional role of an advanced leadership in the field of telecommunications and information technology.
Ms. Huda Al Mutawa
Director, Corporate Communications Affair
UAE Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA)
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