Dubai, United Arab Emirates-Monday 28 October 2019 [ AETOS Wire ]

Termed as Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF), these failed trials refer to the unsuccessful attempt to implant an embryo on either side of the uterus. This failure of embryo implantation is a result of several factors including uterine, male or embryo factors or depending on any specific type of IVF protocol.
Dr Michael Fakih, Medical Director of Fakih IVF said, “This can be a trying phase in the lives of families eagerly awaiting to welcome their child into this world. We understand this could be extremely exhausting for them and hence are always trying to ensure to provide the best of services by our IVF treatment experts.”
Dr. Limia Ibrahim, Specialist Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility - IVF /OB-GYN at Fakih IVF said, “Women trying to conceive after the age of 35, or with an increased body weight or BMI are at a higher risk of experiencing RIF.” Some of the other factors causing the failure include smoking, increases stress levels, certain immunological factors, uterine pathologies and sperm abnormalities.
In one of Dr. Ibrahim’s recent cases a 35-year-old patient battling infertility due to male factors for approximately 3 years sought her expertise. The patient reported a case of repeated implantation failure diagnosed after evaluation and two IVF trials. Chromosomally abnormal embryos were suspected as a cause for the RIF after which the patient had her genetic testing PGD done on the third trial, after which normal embryos were transferred and the couple had a successful pregnancy.
Recurrent Implantation Failure is a complex problem with a wide variety of causes and mechanisms as well as treatment options. The recommendations for women with RIF vary depending on the source of their problem that include pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS), evaluation of endometrial receptivity, personalized medicine. etc
Currently there is not just one treatment option, but many depending on the etiology of the problem.
Fakih IVF Fertility Center is one of the leading Infertility, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Genetics and IVF centers in the GCC region with centers in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Dubai. With several state-of-the-art technologies, the center is continually advancing in the field of reproductive medicine across the region.
SAHARA Communications
Noor Abdelhafez, Account Executive, +97143298996, +971506946519
n.hafiz@saharapr.com / www.saharagcc.com
Permalink : https://www.aetoswire.com/news/fakih-ivf-sheds-the-light-on-repeated-implantation-failure-rif/en
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