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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mr Sophien Bennaceur an American-Tunisian Entrepreneur Today Launches a Historic Organisation; the American Tunisian Business Council

NEW YORK - Tuesday, September 25th 2012 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Business Council is an association of key leaders from both the business and political communities of the US, Tunisia and neighboring countries. We are dedicated to pro-actively support and foster individuals and businesses by establishing productive bi-lateral relationships in the US, Tunisia, and neighboring countries.

Mr Bennaceur, says “We have a united purpose to promote and nurture bi-lateral relationships between the US and Tunisia for the mutual benefit and prosperity of both countries”

As a New York non-profit organization, the Business Council’s Head Office is based at 40 Wall Street, New York, NY and also has an additional office in Tunis, Tunisia.

Objectives of the Council

    Promote and facilitate the bi-lateral development and expansion of trade and business relations between the U.S., Tunisia, and neighboring countries.
    Provide essential information and critical insights about doing business in these markets and facilitate the sharing of knowledge.
    Advise and consult businesses, associations, governmental agencies, and its members on the development of relationships, as well as the initiation, development and implementation of commercial and industrial enterprises.
    Bring leaders of businesses, associations, and governmental agencies together to facilitate contacts and provides platforms for networking and developing business opportunities.
    Represent the mutual interests of members and takes action to further their interests with governmental bodies, private associations, firms, and individuals.
    Sponsor important and relevant business initiatives and programs in the respective countries.
    Undertake activities serving its purpose through public relations, lobbying, and direct contacts by its directors and members.

The Council has established strong Governance principles to ensure that there is transparency and integrity in every aspect of its activities. The Council’s Board of Directors will raise sponsorship for the support of specific initiatives both from the Members of the Council and from supporting foundations, organizations, councils, and businesses.

President Obama, commented in October 2011 “Tunisia is one of our oldest friends in the world. Tunisia was one of the first countries to recognize the United States of America over 200 years ago. One of the first trade agreements that we had as a country was with Tunisia…I’m confident that we will have at least another two centuries of friendship between our two countries. And the American people will stand by the people of Tunisia in any way that we can during this remarkable period in Tunisian history.”

About Mr Sophien Bennaceur – Founder & Chairman

Mr. Bennaceur is a Tunisian-American who was born in Tunisia and moved to the US at an early age. Whilst in the US Mr Bennaceur harnessed his leadership skills and developed his entrepreneurial spirit. He has since built a successful career with global consulting services and global software companies.

Prior to Triplanet Capital, Mr. Bennaceur, was Director-Management Information Systems-MIS for Ceridian and later Director of Product Development, Chief Information Officer-CIO for SAP Americas, and Executive Vice President for Alliance Consulting. Other leadership roles have included Chief Executive Officer-CEO for Pegasus Consulting, Chief Operating Officer-COO for AlphaNet Solutions and Senior Vice President for Intelligroup.

Mr. Bennaceur specializes in change leadership, organizational development and governance.

He is an active advisor to senior executives for leading risk and capital markets companies such as Royal Bank of Scotland-RBS, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase, UBS, AIG, Moody’s, Merrill Lynch and New York Stock Exchange-NYSE to name a few.

More information about ATBC:

At the American Tunisian Business Council we have a united purpose to nurture relationships in order to progress and develop US and Tunisian economies. We aim to achieve these goals through the objectives and principles outlined in the article above.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Council’s Founder on the information below if you would like to request further information of if you have any questions.

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Triplanet Capital

Mr Sophien Bennaceur

Tel: 020 7887 1960

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