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Sunday, July 6, 2014

World Leading Experts in Multiple Sclerosis to Meet in Dubai

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Saturday, July 5th 2014 [ME NewsWire]

The Middle East North Africa Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (MEACTRIMS) announces the First MENACTRIMS Congress for healthcare professionals to be held in Dubai, UAE.  The conference will address neurologists from across the world to experience the latest research and trends in multiple sclerosis.

The epidemiology of multiple sclerosis is on a rise in the Arab world. Studies from the region have shown a much higher prevalence of people being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis as compared to previous studies.  Recent research has revealed that this increase in prevalence of multiple sclerosis is in the region is not minimal but amounts to a 10 times  higher prevalence in Kuwait, double prevalence in Jordan and nearly 4 times higher prevalence in Saudi Arabia as compared to 20 years ago.

With the higher prevalence of multiple sclerosis it is important that neurologists from across the region learn more about the latest advances in the field of MS to ensure patients with the most optimal treatment and care.  “Multiple sclerosis has recently entered a new area with noteworthy treatment advances and new understanding of the disease” said Dr. Bassem I. Yamout, President of MENACTRIMS, Professor of Clinical Neurology and Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center Clinical Research at the American University of Beirut Medical Center in Lebanon (AUBMC). “The new research in the field of multiple sclerosis emphasizes the importance of healthcare professionals having up-to-date knowledge, ensuring that patients get the most optimal treatment and care” added Dr.Yamout.

Breakthroughs within multiple sclerosis treatment will be highlighted at the congress including new therapeutic strategies, genetic and environmental factors, neuroimaging, epidemiology, and gender differences with a focus on higher prevalence amongst female patients. The mechanisms underlying inflammatory reactions and tissue damage in patients will furthermore be underlined, in addition to scanning methods, epidemiology, diagnosis and management of MS.

More than 500 healthcare professionals will attend the congress that will bring some of the most renowned MS specialists from across the world to speak at the congress including the Presidents of ACTRIMS the North American Committee, ECTRIMS the European Committee, and the President of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN).  The congress is to be held on 17-18th October, 2014 at the Intercontinental Hotel, Dubai Festival City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  


MENACTRIMS is an independent organization that facilitates communication and creates synergies among clinicians and scientists to promote and enhance research and improve clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis (MS). The association aims at supporting clinical research in MS and collaborate with regional and international MS organizations in initiating projects that aim at tackling the disease. Furthermore, MENACTRIMS aims at establishing national and regional MS registries while develop regular updated guidelines pertaining to diagnosis and therapy of MS in the MENA region.

About the First MENACTRIMS Congress:

Visit the dedicated congress portal on


DiaEdu Management Consultancy LLC.

Basil Kadara, Public Relations Manager



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