NASHVILLE, Tenn. -Wednesday, February 22nd 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Roads and Transport Authority of Dubai (RTA) has extended its contract with TransCore through 2021 to provide customer service operations and maintenance services on the award-winning Salik Toll System. TransCore will also provide system upgrades and enhancements, including software updates, servers, increased network and storage capacity, and new roadside equipment.
In step with the Authority’s Smart Government and Customer Happiness initiatives, TransCore recently developed a new customer application to increase the level of self-service capabilities, created an online tolltag sales portal, and upgraded the Salik website.
“The Roads and Transport Authority has made an inspiring commitment to pursue transportation innovations that directly impact the quality of life for motorists throughout Dubai,” said Karim Rizkallah, managing director, TransCore Middle East. “We commend the RTA on these initiatives, and are proud to provide continued enhancements to the Salik Toll System.”
TransCore began its long-standing partnership with the RTA in 2006 when the Authority selected TransCore to design, build, install, and maintain a groundbreaking Open Road Tolling (ORT) system to better manage area traffic. Once completed, the Salik Toll System became the world’s widest, free-flowing tolling zone, spanning seven ORT lanes in either direction.
As part of the project, TransCore also developed a back office software solution, offering customer service account management, revenue collection, and violation processing. Today, the Salik Toll System processes over 500 million transactions each year, and has won numerous customer service awards, including the 2015 Hamdan bin Mohammed Award for Smart Government in the category of “Best Service Centre.”
In 2012, RTA again selected TransCore to expand the Salik Toll System to include additional electronic tolling locations, new toll gates, and several feature enhancements. In 2014, the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) awarded RTA the Toll Excellence Award in Technology for this expansion.
About TransCore
A leader in the transportation industry, TransCore provides innovative, technical solutions and engineering services for applications encompassing next generation Open Road Tolling and Traffic Management Systems. The company operates award-winning tolling customer service centers for departments of transportation throughout the U.S. and internationally. A pioneer in Radio Frequency Identification systems used in the transportation industry, TransCore secures access for airports, hospitals, parking garages, border patrols, trucking fleets and the rail industry.
TransCore is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Roper Technologies, a diversified technology company in the S&P 500, Fortune 1000 and Russell 1000 indices.
Mimi McHale, 615-988-8960
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